Laser engraving machine is characterised by compact design. With its optimum dimension. Apart from industrial
applications particularly in watch and jewelry production. Unlike vulnerable and cost-intensive water cooling.
This reduces operating costs appreciably and makes firescan a genuine and marking techniques. This low maintenance and cost-saving system features enormous flexibility.
Laser Engraving

Compact and lightweight the Starlight can even be used within the smallest spaces. The diode-pumped laser marker is equipped with a mini resonator which achieves highest beam quality. The control unit within the beam source controls and regulates the complete laser process. And the Starlight is also very robust
and flexible. Its integrated thermoelectric air cooling system saves external water cooling and thus lowers operating costs. Thanks to an integrated diagnostic system, downtimes and service work can be reduced to a minimum.

Compact and lightweight the FireScan can even be used within the smallest spaces. The diode-pumped laser marker is equipped
with a mini resonator which achieves highest beam quality. The control unit within the beam source controls and regulates the complete laser process. And the FireScan is also very robust and flexible. Its integrated thermoelectric air cooling system saves external water cooling and thus lowers operating costs. Thanks to an integrated diagnostic system, downtimes and service work can be reduced to a minimum.

Our standard fiber laser system for cost-efficient and effective engraving. Particularly when engraving greater depths, the FiberScan SQ works many times faster compared to traditional diode laser technology.
However, the market standard does not offer the necessary accuracy for finest, detailed engravings in immaculate quality. Out of this reason we have, additionally to the already existing standard fiber laser, developed a new high-end version. It enables very fast and deep engravings and at the same time offers very fine and filigree quality. With the previous standard, combining these characteristics in one device has been impossible in fiber laser technology. The FiberScan HQ therefore has proven to be the ideal solution for highest demands.